
Showing posts from 2017

Free Online Biology course

Hello everyone. Please check out this free course on Reproduction. Before you enroll and view the contents, you would need to create an account on                                                        Click here to view the course page                                                        Click here to view the course page I also have three paid courses on Udemy. Please check them out by clicking below: Genetics and Reproduction course

Endocrine System

What is the Endocrine system? It is a collection of  glands  that secrete  chemical messages  called hormones. Gland: A  gland  is a group of cells that produces and secretes, or gives off, chemicals. Hormone: are chemicals that regulate or controls the activity of certain cells or organs The nervous system sends electrical messages to control and coordinate the body. The endocrine system has a similar job, but uses chemicals to “communicate” Endocrine system works more slowly than the Nervous system Hormones are released from glands/cells into the blood vessels They travel to target organs, where they cause a change  Endocrine vs Nervous system The nervous system sends electrical messages to control and coordinate the body. The endocrine system has a similar job, but uses chemicals to “communicate” Endocrine system works more slowly than the Nervous system Response of Nervous system is short lived, while response of Endocrine system...

Past CXC Paper 1: Human and Social Biology

Click on the links below to access Past CXC papers Human and Social Biology Paper 1 (2011) Human and Social Biology Paper 1 (2010) Human and Social Biology Paper 1 (2009)

Reproduction and Genetics: An online revision course

Hello Students. I recently launched a new course: " Introduction to Reproduction and Genetics" on I wish to encourage you to enroll in this course, which is being offered at a very low cost. If you enroll in my other free courses, and complete 100% of the contents, then I would provide my paid course at a 50% discount. HOW TO ENROLL? You can enroll by first joining  . Next, in the search box, you can simply type in the name of my courses e.g. Introduction to Reproduction and Genetics or Introduction to Digestion and excretion (FREE COURSE) Alternatively, you can click on this link below to access the course page directly CLICK THE IMAGES BELOW TO HAVE AN ENLARGED VIEW Course Landing Page Course outline Contents for Genetics Section Contents for Reproduction Section


Hello everyone. Please check out this course that was made on the topic Reproduction. In this course, reproduction in plants and humans are examined. In addition, two lectures were included to explain the endocrine system. Click on this link below to check out the course :  Biology for O Level Examinations (CXC, GCSE): Reproduction

Lymphatic System

-          Blood transports materials such as oxygen, hormones and nutrients. In order for the nutrients to reach the individual cells, tissue fluids are used. They surround the tissues, and act as a ‘middle man’ between the blood and the tissues. -           The lymphatic system drains this tissue fluid away from the cells using lymph vessels. -           Lymph glands pass to the lymph glands which act as filters. The glands contain many white blood cells. The glands may become swollen during an infection, due to increase production of white blood cells. -           Lymph fluid pass on only one direction, because of the presence of valves (similar to veins) Functions of Lymphatic system -           Transport tissue fluids back into the blood -    ...

Carbon Cycle

Points to note  -           - Usually, carbon does not exist alone. It forms molecules or compounds. E.g. it can exist as CO 2 and it is also a component of protein, lipids  carbohydrates that found in living organisms -           - Carbon enters the Carbon cycle through photosynthesis when plants, algae or some bacteria use carbon dioxide to manufacture food. -          -  Glucose made, contains carbon (C 6 H 12 O 6 ). The carbon is also used to make plant proteins, and lipids. Therefore, when animals feed on plants, the carbon is transferred to the animals -          -  Plants and animals undergo respiration, and the glucose (C 6 H 12 O 6 ) breaks down. Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ) is then released into the atmosphere -           - When animals and plants die, or release waste, then microorganisms will feed on the waste, and release...

Nitrogen Cycle

-          -  Nitrogen not used directly by living organisms -          -   Nitrogen gas constitute 78% of the air Nitrogen fixation This describes how nitrogen gas from the air is converted into nitrates. Plants use the nitrates as fertilizer. This occurs by two methods 1.       Lightening : Lightening causes N2 gas to react with H2O molecules in the atmosphere and form ammonia and nitrates 2.       Nitrogen fixing bacteria: some plants, especially leguminous plants, have bacteria living in their root nodules. These bacteria convert the atmospheric nitrogen to nitrates. E.g. of bacteria: Rhizobia Nitrification Animals and plants produce waste. Also, when they die, their body starts to decompose. Ammonia is released, which is then converted to nitrites. The Nitrifying bacteria, such as Nitrosomanas , convert the ammonia to nitrites, and the nitrites to nitrat...