Endocrine System

What is the Endocrine system?

  • It is a collection of glands that secrete chemical messages called hormones.
  • Gland: A gland is a group of cells that produces and secretes, or gives off, chemicals.
  • Hormone: are chemicals that regulate or controls the activity of certain cells or organs
  • The nervous system sends electrical messages to control and coordinate the body.
  • The endocrine system has a similar job, but uses chemicals to “communicate”
  • Endocrine system works more slowly than the Nervous system
  • Hormones are released from glands/cells into the blood vessels They travel to target organs, where they cause a change 

Endocrine vs Nervous system

  • The nervous system sends electrical messages to control and coordinate the body.
  • The endocrine system has a similar job, but uses chemicals to “communicate”
  • Endocrine system works more slowly than the Nervous system
  • Response of Nervous system is short lived, while response of Endocrine system may be short or long lived
  • Hormones are released from glands/cells into the blood vessels
  • They travel to target organs, where they cause a change


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