
Showing posts from May, 2017

Reproduction and Genetics: An online revision course

Hello Students. I recently launched a new course: " Introduction to Reproduction and Genetics" on I wish to encourage you to enroll in this course, which is being offered at a very low cost. If you enroll in my other free courses, and complete 100% of the contents, then I would provide my paid course at a 50% discount. HOW TO ENROLL? You can enroll by first joining  . Next, in the search box, you can simply type in the name of my courses e.g. Introduction to Reproduction and Genetics or Introduction to Digestion and excretion (FREE COURSE) Alternatively, you can click on this link below to access the course page directly CLICK THE IMAGES BELOW TO HAVE AN ENLARGED VIEW Course Landing Page Course outline Contents for Genetics Section Contents for Reproduction Section


Hello everyone. Please check out this course that was made on the topic Reproduction. In this course, reproduction in plants and humans are examined. In addition, two lectures were included to explain the endocrine system. Click on this link below to check out the course :  Biology for O Level Examinations (CXC, GCSE): Reproduction