Ecological Study techniques


These are square metal or wood frame. They are used e.g. to find the number of a particular kind of weed in a field. The quadrat is thrown at random to different parts of the field. The number of weeds in the quadrat are recorded. This is repeated ten (10) times and the avverage is taken. If the quadrat is 1m2 and the area of the field being studies is 30 m2 , then the average number of weeds can be calculated by  multiplying the average by 30. The size of the quadrat used depends on the area of study. The quadrat is also suitable for sampling plants, slow-moving animals (such as millipedes and insects), and some aquatic organisms.

Nets are used for sampling small moving animals such as insects. They can also be used to estimate  the number of species in  pond.

Bottles can be used to set pitfall traps for small insects and other arthropods (e.g. spider). Animals that enter a pitfall trap are unable to escape, and may either be killed by the trap or remain unharmed. As with most methods a large number of traps makes results more reliable and minimizes the effects of unusual results.


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